When getting estimates, you should ask the other Companies several questions. Is the price they quoted for complete lawn service (mowing, edging, trimming and clearing the clippings) or just "mow and go" and everything else is extra? Are they fully insured? Are they local? Do they use well maintained commercial equipment to minimize the risk of damaging your lawn.
While we try to stay competitive, this does happen. We have a minimum gate drop charge which is sometimes more than our competitors or a "lowballers" quote. We simply cannot match these prices, even with a discount applied.
What's a lowballer? Lowballers are the thorns in the side of every legitimate lawn company and unfortunately they're everywhere it seems. These are "lawn guys" who are usually uninsured, are "mow and go" - meaning they don't trim or edge, use inferior equipment or just stop showing up for whatever reason. Usually, they work for their daily beer money or as a hobby, while wrecking your lawn in the process. We're a legitimate, State registered, insured, tax paying business and we only use expensive, meticulously maintained commercial grade equipment. Be very weary of "lawn guys" who insist on only accepting cash payments too.
Bahia Grass
Recommended cutting height is 3-4 inches.
St. Augustine Grass
Recommended cutting height is 3-5 inches. The higher, the better!
Bermuda Grass
Recommended cutting height is ½ - 1½ inches.
Centipede Grass
Recommended cutting height is 1½ - 2½ inches.
Zoysia Grass
Recommended cutting height is 2-3 inches (this varies slightly between different Zoysiagrass cultivars), and should be cut with a reel-type mower.
No. We absolutely do NOT go door to door or call random phone numbers in a phone directly to get business. We find that very rude and intrusive to say the least. Homeowners should be wary of someone knocking on their door claiming to have just completed a job in the neighborhood, noticing their lawn was in dire need of a trim. Any reputable company will let their work do their advertising and sales calls. A mowing service that has to beg for business may not be as good as they want the homeowner to believe they are.
It is better to ask around the neighborhood, especially those with an impressive yard to find a good residential lawn mowing service to take care of the needs than it is to count on advertisements or door-to-door sales calls to pique the homeowners interest. We don't have to because our work speaks for itself!